It's crazy to think how fast 2013 went by! We had an interesting year that
saw some changes take place- some that were totally not in our plans!
One of the biggest changes that happened here is that we took over the Open
Access Printers on campus. We have branded it Express Print. Raymond, Randy and
Fred, along with a few students, have been working hard to keep the printers
running smooth (and filled with paper & toner!!!). They are doing a great

When the street and bus stop were eliminated between the law building and
the Wilkinson Center, we had to close down the post office due to no access for
the mail trucks. But this gave us time to clean up and reboot the University
Post Office. Not only can you do regular US Mail, but now we offer FedEx and
UPS shipping out of there, too. And at discounted rates... meaning the cheapest
prices on campus! We have a couple new employees working the UPO, Ric and
Dennis, who are both well-seasoned and knowledgeable in the shipping &
mailing world. They really know their stuff!
As the year was drawing to a close and the holidays were approaching, we
made a strong effort to create new Christmas cards. Our goal for 2014 is to
have even more cards to choose from and something for every season and holiday.
We'll keep you posted.
2013 broke any kind of record we may previously have had for wedding announcements. By
mid-June we had already had over 600 different clients order wedding announcements!
Great stuff! It doesn’t hurt that BYU is the wedding capital of the universe.

We also acquired some new equipment, and the laser engraver is at the top of
the list. This thing engraves on wood, stone, metal, glass, acrylic, and can
even engrave on fruit or piece of licorice, if you’d like! We have been
engraving awards, pictures (which are really cool to see), Family
Proclamations, Priesthood Line of Authority, special scriptures and quotes, and
lots of other things. Swing on by when you’re in the area and check it out!
Once again, we printed thousands of family histories for hundreds of customers. We will be participating in Rootstech again in February. Stop by our booth if you attend.
We are looking forward to a great 2014 and being able to serve both the
campus and local community. Please come by the University Press Building and see us.