2.Graduation Book. It’s a happy day when school is finally done, and here is a way to relive the memories for years to come. Make sure to take lots of pictures with friends and family, scenes from campus, your special final projects, or anything else that would make your school experience memorable. You can also access and use our BYU Photo Library, with over 100 images of the campus and campus life. Click here to view the pictures.
3.Baby Book. Nothing is as exciting as the arrival of a new baby! Have you been taking monthly pictures and documenting your growing belly? Did you get a shot of the ultrasound? (Those are always fun to include in your book) Get lots of pictures of the glorious day that baby arrives, special visitors, and when mom and baby come home.
4.Vacation Book. Going on a road trip? Make sure to capture every detail by taking pictures and notes! What was your travel music playlist? What airlines did you fly? What hotel did you stay in? What was the name of that little dive of a restaurant you ate at? The more details you include, the more unique your book will be. A vacation book will allow you to relive the experience again and again!
5.Cook Book. Do you have a list of “family favorite” recipes? How about a secret recipe from Grandma, or Uncle John’s special barbeque sauce? Gather your favorite recipes and put them in a book. Type up the recipe and take pictures of the finished dish, and even shots of cooking the dish. Include a picture of who supplied the recipe, and write a little blurb about them.
6.Family Reunion Book. Are you planning a family reunion? Remind everyone to bring their cameras! Group pictures, shots of individuals, oldest and youngest, fun activities, beautiful locations, special memories, heck, family reunions are a great chance for some fantastic pictures and stories.
7.Holiday Book. Well, it’s only the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Be creative and make a book of family traditions, Christmas recipes, favorite Greeting Cards from the past, all the lights, special ornaments, or just the joy of Christmas morning. So many possibilities…

9.A Book for Grandparents. Here is a fun gift to make, and what grandparent wouldn’t like to receive a book of pictures of their grandkids?! Include quotes from the grandkids as to why they love grandma and grandpa.
10.Year Book. What did you do last year? This is a great way to go month by month and highlight all the experiences you’ve had with family and friends. Or make a book of all the holiday events throughout the year; barbeques, fireworks, trick-or-treating, dad carving the turkey, Easter egg hunts. How about choosing the 10 Biggest Events of the Year? There are so many possibilities.
Here are two Bonus Ideas!
11.Portfolio. Have you created some fantastic artwork this year? Designed new clothes? Styled hair and makeup? How about your best graphic design projects? Taken some amazing pictures? Create a hard bound portfolio to show off your best work.
12.Missionary Memory Book. Make all those pictures you took on your mission accessible by putting them in a book! And make an extra copy for mom and dad, too. We hope this gets your creative juices flowing. Download CougarPix and get started. If you have any questions feel free to call us! 801-422-2741