So here we go:
1. This year we wanted to more involved with the students, so we accepted an invitation to have a table at New Student Orientation. WOW!!! It is exciting and a bit crazy trying to keep up with the hundreds and hundreds of students and parents, but it sure was fun!

3. The General Course Catalog, which was only available online, is now again available in print at You can choose to print the whole catalog or select just the sections you want, either way it's printed and bound with a beautiful cover and sent on its way.
4. To help save the students some money we offered 3¢ Blackboard printing at all our Print & Copy Centers. We even encouraged the faculty to "Be a Hero to Your Students" and remind their classes to use us.
5. Though we have always offered Christmas Cards on our website, this year we offered photo cards. You can now upload photos and enter text to create your personalized cards. Pretty sweet!

7. We entered the world of Social Networking by starting this blog (obviously!) and having a Facebook page and a Twitter account. We want to spread the Print & Mail love as much as possible! Search BYU Print and Mail on Facebook (Twitter, too) and become a "Liker". You know, Face book has a bizzillion dollars, you'd think they could come up with a better term!

9. Did you get your calendar that we sent to all BYU employees? We had a bunch of different pictures on the front and used Variable Data Printing to personalize the back for each recipient. And we printed them on our new HP Indigo Digital Press to show off the beautiful quality it produces. We also sent out real cool invitations for our open house. They flipped around when you pulled on them. Sweet!

So there you have a sampling of what's gone on this year at BYU Print and Mail. Stop in and see us sometime. We love visitors and would love to show you around.
Best Wishes for 2011!!!